Sunday, April 27, 2008

Only the select few

a right, immunity, or benefit enjoyed only by a person beyond the advantages of most: the privileges of the very rich.

So many people in our society feel like they are entitled to so many things, and I do not understand why. What makes someone better than yourself? Probably the attitude you hold about yourself and your peers. It is funny how people just expect to be treated a certain way because of who they are and where they come from. In so many ways, we are a like. We all wake up every morning with morning breathe, go to the bathroom, eat, take in the same air. But some people walk about this planet with such an air about themselves and I ask myself what does it really accomplish? I feel the one that creates this within people is money which gives people flashy "toys." I just have been noticing a lot more lately and it makes me think about how my actions are perceived by other people in this world. Just some food for thought.

PS In the last three days, I have seen/met Mariah Carey, Julianne Moore, David Mamet, and pissed off Madonna. How cool is that! I wonder if those people feel like they are entitled to more in this world?

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